List of HTML Character Entities

Click on the element to copy HTML entity
  Non-breaking space
&lt;<Less-than sign (<)
&gt;>Greater-than sign (>)
&amp;&Ampersand (&)
&quot;"Double quotation mark (")
&apos;'Single quotation mark (')
&cent;¢Cent sign (¢)
&pound;£Pound sign (£)
&yen;¥Yen sign (¥)
&euro;Euro sign (€)
&copy;©Copyright sign (©)
&reg;®Registered trademark sign (®)
&trade;Trademark sign (™)
&sect;§Section sign (§)
&para;Pilcrow sign (¶)
&middot;·Middle dot (·)
&bull;Bullet (•)
&hellip;Horizontal ellipsis (…)
&ndash;En dash (–)
&mdash;Em dash (—)
&lsquo;Left single quotation mark (‘)
&rsquo;Right single quotation mark (’)
&ldquo;Left double quotation mark (“)
&rdquo;Right double quotation mark (”)
&times;×Multiplication sign (×)
&divide;÷Division sign (÷)
&permil;Per mille sign (‰)
&sup2;²Superscript two (²)
&sup3;³Superscript three (³)
&frac14;¼Fraction one quarter (¼)
&frac12;½Fraction one half (½)
&frac34;¾Fraction three quarters (¾)
&deg;°Degree sign (°)
&micro;µMicro sign (µ)
&plusmn;±Plus-minus sign (±)
&infin;Infinity (∞)
&le;Less than or equal to (≤)
&ge;Greater than or equal to (≥)
&pi;πPi (π)
&sum;Summation (∑)